A kindness letter to a past self… by JR

Dearest 17 year old me,

How are you? 

I know you don’t feel as happy as you should, but you probably feel like you’re as happy as you’re ever going to be. You feel “loved”. But it’s at a cost that I know you don’t deserve.

You don’t deserve to be told you’re ugly. Made fun of your face, or your weight. To be told you’re at your peak right now. That life’s as good as it gets.

You don’t deserve to be hit when you say something wrong (even though there was nothing wrong with what you were saying). Or to be hit for no reason at all. You deserve so much more than that. 

And it will get better. But you need to move forward and see your worth.

You are kind.

You can be special to someone. And mean something to so many people.

You have more worth than you’ll ever believe. And I don’t think you could even dream of where we are now when you’re 32. You have amazing friends, and still, the most supportive family that loves and cares for you.

Life isn’t perfect, but it shouldn’t be. It’s those imperfections that make life that much more interesting.

I’m going to leave you with a quote. Something to remember when you realise it’s time to move on.

“It’s funny how what used to sting goes away once time does its thing.” – Kevin Thornton

I’m always going to be here if you need me.


Present Me.

From a kind, caring, and connected human… currently in therapy working toward thriving, rather than surviving.

Thank you J.R for your words, and for letting those currently struggling know there is light.